The WHO Claims Banknotes May Carry The Coronavirus

In 2019, President Trump denied he would replace Mike Pence. Pence acts like a loyal Tonto to Trump’s Lone Ranger. But Mike’s lost some of his clout with the evangelicals who claim he worships Trump instead of God, according to the New York Times.

When the rumors of a vice-presidential shakeup hit the press, Nikki Haley’s name surfaced. Haley help send the president’s nationalistic message to the UN when he appointed her ambassador. Nikki has a huge following in the suburban housewife community, and campaign data shows Trump could get clobber in the suburbs in November.

According to CNN’s political analyst Paul Begala, Trump put Pence in charge of the coronavirus outbreak to throw him under the virus bus. He believes Trump will introduce Nikki as his new running mate during the Democratic National Convention. Mr. Pence shot himself in the foot when he pulled a few political moves evangelicals thought were unchristian-like. A large chunk of evangelicals won’t vote for Trump if Mike is on the ticket, according to the Huffington Post.

Pence wants people to know he’s on top of the coronavirus takedown, but he’s way behind the outbreak curve. The coronavirus found homes in Washington state long before the first case hit Trump’s CDC team. The CDC is one of Trump’s pet peeves. He fired several key health officials over the last three years, so the CDC is not as quick to respond to the health crisis Bill Gates calls a once-in-a-century pathogen.

The president decided to postpone his yearly physical until some of the COVID-19 smoke clears. Mr. Trump took a gut punch when the coronavirus knocked the financial socks off the stock market. Losing $3 trillion in three days gave the president sleepless nights and agonizing days. Mr. Trump tried to sweep the coronavirus under the “no big deal,” rug, but once people started dying from the bug, he decided to put a full-court government press in play to stop the spread of the virus, according to the New York Times.

But according to the World Health Organization, COVID-19 has pandemic status, so slowing down the spread is a major challenge. COVID-19 is a cold-like virus that becomes deadly when there are pre-existing health conditions that weaken the immune system. The virus can live up to nine days on hard surfaces, according to Chinese researchers.

And the WHO claims the coronavirus can live on banknotes for the same amount of time. That’s why Chinese and South Koreans started sanitizing banknotes and then hold them for 14 days before they distribute them to the public.

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Dil Bole Oberoi