The financial landscape of the world is always changing, and that can be hard to keep up with. With so many new opportunities available for people living in Dubai, it’s important to stay on top of your money and how you manage it. But nobody wants their bank account to look like a shell after they’ve spent all their earnings. That’s why we’re going to share ways that will help increase the amount of money in your bank account by making intelligent choices.
1) Shop around for the best credit card deals
Did you know that there are often up to five different types of credits cards in Dubai? You may have a Diners Club, and American Express, etc. And each one has its special offers! It’s essential to make sure you’re getting all your bank details together before shopping so that they can be updated and you can take advantage of the best deals. If your credit card company is giving you a bad deal, consider switching to another one! There’s no harm in checking options and seeing what works for your individual needs, so don’t be afraid to try something new if it means more money in your bank account at the end of each month.
2) Sign up for loyalty programs
It might not be the first thing you think about when it comes to your money, but there are many different stores in Dubai that will give you discounts if you sign up for their loyalty program. That way, every time you shop at a specific store or restaurant, they’ll reward you with points towards future purchases! It’s a great way to be rewarded for shopping in your city, and it will add up over time.
3) Tap into the sharing economy
Did you know that there are a number of apps available today that will connect people who have too much stuff with those who could benefit from it? It’s called the sharing economy, and if you’re looking to save money, this is worth considering. There are many different types of things you can rent daily or even weekly that will help increase the amount of money in your bank account. And it’s a great way to meet new people and get involved with different aspects of society.
4) Rent out your car
Did you know that there are apps available today to help people connect with drivers who want to make a little money on the side? It’s called ride-sharing, and if it sounds like something up your alley, go ahead and download one of these helpful apps. You’ll be able to rent out your vehicle when you’re not using it and make some extra cash. There are many ways to increase the amount of money in your bank account, so don’t be afraid to try something new! These are just a few ideas you can incorporate into your current lifestyle without changing too much about what you’re already doing. It’s all about being smart with your financial decisions, and the apps and websites listed above are all great ways to get started.
Dil Bole Oberoi