Popular Communication App Sarahah Pulled From Mobile Stores

There is a wide variety of messaging apps that people use to communicate with each other. Popular apps that allow people to communicate include Facebook Messenger, Skype, and WhatsApp. These apps allow users to communicate while using a wide variety of devices, especially their cell phones. What makes these apps popular is that they allow people to communicate with friends, family members, and others that they are close to. One popular app called Sarahah is being pulled from both Apple and Google’s stores after receiving a large amount of controversy.

Unfortunately, a major problem associated with people being on the internet is that they’re able to communicate with someone behind a keyboard. Many feel that people will type things on social media apps to send that they would never dare say to someone’s face. There have been many news stories related to cyberbullying that can be a problem for many of these popular apps.

With that in mind, Katrina Collins was shocked to find the messages anonymous people were sending her 13-year old daughter on the Sarahah app. The BBC reports that Katrina’s daughter began receiving messages shockingly encouraging her to kill herself. After seeing these messages, Katrina would create an online petition in order to have the app removed from major mobile stores. Katrina accused this app of encouraging both bullying and self-harm towards others. As the result of her petition, Katrina was able to gain almost 470,000 supporters for the removal of this app.

That being said, the CEO of Sarahah feel that his company is being seen in an unfair light. His company is reportedly working hard to ensure that events like this won’t happen again in the future through implementing special features and filters for this app. Sarahah’s CEO Zain-Alabdin Tawfiq also noted that this app is specifically meant for people who are at least 17 years old.

To summarize, a popular app called Sarahah was recently and suddenly pulled from both Apple and Google’s respective app stores. The reason for this app being pulled was due to a petition that was started by Katrina Collins. Katrina’s 13-year old was using this communication app and began receiving vicious messages and threats. Katrina’s efforts would gain her nearly 500,000 supporters, the app was shortly pulled from major mobile stores after this petition was created.


Dil Bole Oberoi