Is Facebook Secretly Recording Our Lives?

For years now, many have suspected their phones of listening to them without their consent. Google search queries for very specific keywords seem to be completing themselves without users ever having typed in those particular phrases. Voice search commands are being activated without the first word being uttered and front-facing cameras are being accessed by private parties. Is there any proof, however, that our phones are listening to and watching us? Some say yes, pointing the finger at Facebook for recording the private lives of its users.
Mark Zuckerburg and Facebook have become under heavy fire recently, due to breaches of privacy and overstepping boundaries of its millions of users. There has been evidence brought up in court that Facebook has been selling user data for years, and not only that, they may, in fact, have been giving data away to private corporations.
Furthermore, Facebook has been held responsible for scandals involving the 2016 presidential campaign, when droves of Russian trolls took to Facebook to spread disinformation and derogatory ads against Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.
Earlier this year, Mark Zuckerberg essentially apologized to the word for, as he said, “ruining society,” with his groundbreaking social media application. While Facebook has made great strides in bringing the world together and connecting us as people, Zuckerberg has taken his authority too far, by accessing and disclosing private information, including messages, data, and even credit information, to private parties via his platform. What started out innocently enough as a way to interconnect the planet and boost communication has now become an instrument of surveillance and malicious intent.
Due in part, to targeted advertisements and unwanted actions being performed on personal Facebook accounts, many users believe that Facebook is working to secretly record the private lives of these individuals, in order to market them more targeted products and services.

Dil Bole Oberoi