People Can Now Be More Specific When Reporting Tweets

There are instances every day of people sending out tweets that contain a person’s personal info on Twitter. The social media company has always provided its users with a way to report certain tweets so they can be removed in a timely manner. However, it would appear that Twitter is not happy with the amount of time that it takes their staff members to remove tweets with personal info. Therefore, they have made some upgrades to their system. It will now be possible for Twitter users to be much more specific when they are reporting a tweet. This will let the people at Twitter get a better idea of the specific nature of the reported tweet in question.

Users will be able to indicate if a tweet contains a phone number, address, info from an ID or financial info. However, Twitter has not revealed any info about how many times a tweet has to be reported before it gets removed from the site. There have been many times in the past where tweets have been removed by organized campaigns of people joining together to report tweets from a person or group. This has been a huge problem for Twitter since the company started.

Will this new feature decrease the response time of Twitter when it comes to getting certain tweets taken down? Only time will tell. It all depends on whether or not people are willing to take the time to fill in the additional info when they report a tweet. There is no question that Twitter still has a long way to go when it comes to policing their platform. CEO Jack Dorsey has talked about making Twitter a more civil place. However, it will still be a long time until civility is normal in the Twitter universe.

There has been a big problem with people posting personal info as an act of revenge against someone else. Twitter has always been very concerned about this because of the problems that this could create. The new reporting system will give Twitter the ability to prioritize when it comes to investigating tweets that possibly do not follow their terms of service. It is a good start. The new changes to the way that tweets can be reported will be starting very soon. The company said in a statement that they will monitor how well the new options work. They will then be evaluated.

Dil Bole Oberoi