E-Commerce Sales On The Rise During Holiday Season

The holiday shopping season has just ended. There are certain trends that have become apparent. Expert who look have found that more and more people turned to the internet and the world of e-commerce to purchase things for all those on their guest present list. Experts who observe the holiday season report that sales via the use of e-commerce websites rose 18.8% this year. That makes them a major vehicle for the total number of gifts that were exchanged this year. They also point out that such purchases compromised about fifteen percent of all items specifically bought for the holiday season. They examined data extending from November 1st to Christmas Eve. This is when many companies do a lot of business. It’s the time when people may rush out and look for new items they have not seen before. The use of the online market made it easier for people to shop for their loved ones. It also meant that people did not necessarily need to head to traditional outlets like the local mall in order to find the items they want. As a result, such form of sales are only expected to continue to major source of buying in the new year.

Many Returns

With gift giving comes gift returning. Many people use the day after Christmas to rush out and exchange the gifts they received for other gifts. This might because an item didn’t quite fit or because they have a gift certificate and want to use it. This often leads to a lot of people in the local mall. Instead, officials at the U.S. Postal Service are reporting that many people are now using the mail to return the gifts they wanted. This helps them avoid traffic and possibly long lines at local retail outlets.

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/25/reuters-america-corrected-record-online-sales-give-u-s-holiday-shopping-season-a-boost-report.html

Dil Bole Oberoi