The First Self-Cleaning Robotic Vacuum Debuts at CES 2020

You’ve likely heard about robotic vacuums that can clean houses with little to no human interaction. These machines have made life easier for many people with busy lives. However, you might be unaware that a new competitor is about to enter the market of robotic home cleaning technology.

The Unveiling of a Revolutionary Home Cleaning Device
At CES 2020, companies from around the world are meeting to showcase their innovative products to the public. With that in mind, The Narwal 10 made its public debut during this event and aims to change how people keep their homes clean. The Narwal 10 doubles as both a robotic vacuum and mopping device. While there are many robotic vacuum cleaners on the market, none have ever offered the ability to double as a robot-controlled mop.

A Robotic Cleaner That Cleans Itself
Another reason this invention is making waves at CES 2020 is because it is self-cleaning. This machine stays housed inside of a structure with two separate tanks. One tank holds clean water and the other collects dirty water. To mop a room, the Narwal 10 collects clean water. After it’s done mopping and vacuuming, one of the tanks collects the dirty water and cleans the Narwal 10 in the process. Another cool feature of this product is its ability to be controlled with the use of a companion app. You can also use this app to map out your home or any rooms you want the Narwal 10 to clean. This helps the Narwal 10 to have an easier time cleaning these areas.

How to Purchase The Narwal 10
Considering how new this product is, you won’t be able to find it in stores. Instead, you can purchase the Narwal 10 on this product’s Kickstarter page. CNET reports that this product will be ship out in about two months to those who purchase the Narwal 10 on Kickstarter for $550.

In conclusion, the Narwal 10 recently made its debut at CES 2020. This product can both vacuum and mop without the need for any human interaction. The Narwal 10 is also self-cleaning, something that none of this product’s competitors can lay claim to. The makers of this product are hoping to launch the Narwal 10 in select stores throughout the United States before the end of 2020.


Dil Bole Oberoi