Trends That Small Businesses Should Pay Attention To

In today’s digital world, most small businesses have to keep up with the current trends in order to remain competitive. Here are seven major marketing trends are influencing small businesses:

1. Main Street Businesses Will Have a Resurgence.
Many businesses are increasingly turning to old styles of doing things to do classic tasks. This can be attributed to the need to take a breather from technology. There are things that technology cannot replace for example cutting hair, plumbing or gardening. Good relationships as well as making products that specifically suit a given individual re critical in business and essential in customer service. Therefore, main street businesses will experience a re-emergence.

2. Less Dependence on Giant Tech Firms for Growth.
Small businesses will drift their anchor from trying to orient themselves with big tech players and instead create their path by coming together with other small businesses that offer more mastery over customer relationships, branding and fulfillment. Aggravated administration by the government on big companies like Google is another incentive for small businesses together in order to have a competitive advantage.

3. Less Reliance on Data and More on Good Storytelling
Small businesses have limited resources and will, therefore, spend less money on data-driven marketing strategies. Instead, they will create stories that reverberate with their customers and hence selecting the audience that will reply.

4. The Rise of Side Hustles.
Side hustles are increasingly going to become acclaimed among young entrepreneurs. Young people today no longer covet the office jobs. In the coming days, we will witness a big number of side hustles transitioning to become legitimate businesses. Technology has made it easy to set up a business and we are soon going to see more people becoming entrepreneurs.

5. Sustainability
in the 2020s startups will focus more on profitability and sustainability rather than pure growth. This will lead to the proliferation of entrepreneurship and small business owner having more powers in their hands.

6. AI Will Revolutionize Service Delivery.
AI is slowly but surely becoming part of our everyday life. Small businesses are automating simple tasks like scheduling, taking meeting notes, etc. By leaving these tasks to AI companies can focus on other things that will drive the company forward. The use of AI saves valuable time and increase streams of revenue.

7. Digital Payment
Small businesses are increasingly selling to customers on the internet. Even physical shops are adopting digital payment methods. Digital payment is convenient, safe and affordable.

Dil Bole Oberoi