The #LetsTalkShop study released by Twitter and done in conjunction with Publicis that examined 9,600 consumers from the US, the UK, India and Mexico found that 92% of people actively seek out information about a brand on social media. Furthermore, 68% of respondents reported that their impression of a brand had changed based on what they saw on social media.
Positive Impromptu Conversations Have the Most Impact
Digging deeper into the study, 35% said that impromptu conversations had more impact on their impression of a brand than traditional reviews while 21$ found them equally insightful. Over 60% of people who responded to the survey said that their interaction had an impact on their buying decision. The excellent news for businesses that regularly engage with customers on social media is that 75% of consumers consider these conversations to be authentic. Furthermore, over 84% of consumers who recalled a brand discussion said it was with people that they did not know personally.
Impact Earliest in Buyer’s Journey
The study found that the impact was greatest at early stages of the buyer’s journey. The study also showed that positive conversations about a brand were remembered far longer than negative ones. The study also indicates that discussions about a brand’s culture and which social issues they chose to get involved with were important to consumers. The impact on consumers of brand discussions lasts less than a week, so companies must work consistently at engaging with consumers who may not even know they need a product yet.
Connection is Vital
Twitter pulls three conclusions from the survey. It is vital to be regularly active on social media. Spark positive conversation whenever possible. Connect with consumers in ways that make your brand seem human.
This is the same advice that most people who run business social media sites have been saying for years, so if you run a business, do your best to implement it.
Dil Bole Oberoi