Facebook Makes Changes to Appeal to the Business Community

Facebook wants to keep participating business owners pleased with the platform. Entrepreneurs, small business owners, and major corporations all invest heavily in Facebook advertising. Not all their involvement, however, centers on paying for ads. The platform, itself, has much of value to a commercial enterprise. The built-in messenger, for example, makes it easier for business operatives to communicate with other members. Some people prefer the Facebook platform to relay information to others. The popular Messenger system accommodates their needs.

While Messenger works nicely, no app, not even one provided by a multibillion-dollar social media company, is entirely perfect. Facebook understands both the platform and Messenger have limitations. So, a significant business-friendly upgrade to Messenger and other aspects of the platform are in the works.

Messenger is slated to receive new features intended to support the 40 million and growing number of business-oriented users on the platform. A lead generation component represents one of the new features. Leads play a significant role in business marketing. No surprises here that Facebook wants to make it easier for businesses to amass reliable leads.

While the social media company isn’t having any trouble staying popular with business owners, Facebook realizes competitors always loom around the corner. Boosting Messenger to be more appealing to business-conscious members helps give the company a maintainable edge.

Interestingly, Facebook is eliminating the Discover tab. According to business2community.com, there was nothing inherently wrong with the tab, but Facebook feels Messenger is better off without it. Again, attempts to give members what they want drives Facebook‘s decision. Management feels there are better ways for people to reach out to businesses than utilizing the Discover tab. So, the Discover tab is gone.

Facebook didn’t rush into any of these decisions. Based on comments from company personnel, it appears that Facebook thought everything through over an extended period. Maybe Facebook wants to prime itself for potential upcoming changes on the internet landscape.

Either way, the upcoming changes should garner a positive reaction from the business community. If not, Facebook will make changes.

Dil Bole Oberoi