Event Planners Understand the Need for Interactive Technology

Describing technology as “ever-evolving” wouldn’t be an inaccurate assessment. Previous versions of technological developments and innovations grow into newer, more advanced versions. At a recent meeting of Asia-Pacific Event Planners, significant focus centered on topics related to interactive technology. Slight controversy arose out of the meeting, reports skift.com. After all, should not the focus of event planner professionals remain fixed on local issues and how to set up engaging events?

The answer to that question — a question posed by a segment of the media — involves opinion making and editorializing. The event planners may choose to focus on whatever they feel is most important. The impact of technology on the profession rises to a high level of importance among them.

Commentary at the meeting acknowledged a truth about the future of event planning. Technology, particularly interactive technology, will factor more heavily into how planning and running events go. Planners who fall behind the learning curve for interactive technology won’t create the best experience for event attendees. That won’t bode well for attendees.

Upon conducting a poll among event planners at the meeting, “access to interactive technology” emerged as the top priority with the attendees. Specifically, they listed “access to internet technology” as the one item that will prove most important in the future. Traditionalists may center attention on other aspects such as meeting space, better food and beverages, and local experiences, but forward-thinking planners realizes they need to stay up-to-date with technological changes. The people attending the events put together by the planners will demand they do so.

Staying current with technological changes isn’t about doing what is easy for the event planners. It is about delivering on what attendees want and expect at the gatherings. Unhappy attendees won’t likely return for new events. Integrating technology into an event’s design could make things smoother and leave attendees happier.

Dil Bole Oberoi