The popular Beloved Comic book bone is switching to a Netflix Television show.

Netflix has made it public that it has managed to secure all rights to the famous comic book series known as Bone. The firm also said that it would be developing a kid’s show that will be based on the creation by Jeff Smith that had sold numerous copies around the globe. The Netflix bone show will be similar to the iconic Bone cousins that go for an adventure through a large, unchartered dessert into an unknown and mysterious valley that is filled with surprising and scaring creatures. The Bone comic series creator, Smith, added that he has been so eager to develop the series into an animated show.

Smith went on to note that Netflix is the ideal platform where Bone can grow. All Bone fanatics are aware of the fact that the stories usually develop chapter by chapter. This makes everything interesting. Since the year 1991, Bone series has been aired and accepted in over 30 nations. Over 8 million copies have been solved across North America alone. The Bone series is made up of cutesy bald cartoon characters. It depicts the Bone cousins’ journey across the desert after they have been kicked out of their town in Boneville. In their journey, the three cousins experience very hard times. They also encounter bizarre creatures. Many mysteries cross their minds and creates a quest for them to discover and explore even more. Whatever they go through is much more than they ever expected when they left Bonneville.

Currently, the date for the release has not yet been announced. The streaming giant has not yet announced who will be involved in the whole project. This means that the show would not be aired on Netflix until 2020. The new series will be among other animated movies and shows that Netflix announced should be arriving on the platform in a few years to come. Netflix has struck several multi-year deals with developers of animated shows, i.e., ‘Bigmouth,’ which will see the group developing a series of animated projects for Netflix through their production firm, Brutus Pink. Unlike other production firms, i.e., Amazon primed video, the streaming giant, Netflix has had the pride of owning a significant number of animated series of shows. Notably, there are those shows that are aimed to entertain older viewers, i.e., Matt Groening’s Disenchantment, Morty and Rick, and F for family. However, with Disney plus around, Netflix might lose its crown as a significant cartoon king.

Dil Bole Oberoi