The IMF Thinks The Coronavirus Will Hurt Global GDP Growth

President Trump told reporters Adam Schiff threw Bernie Sanders under the Democratic bus. The president said Schiff started the Russian interference rumor. But according to former intelligence chief Joe Mcguire, Schiff didn’t start the rumor his intelligence officers did.

Mcguire won a spot of the president’s loser list after he reported Russian interference to the Congressional Intelligence Committee. Mr. Trump continues to deny Russia helped him in 2020, and he doesn’t believe they will help him this year, even though several government intelligence agencies say otherwise.

Bernie Sanders let the Russians know he will make sure they stop interfering with U.S. elections when he wins in November. Mr. Trump congratulated Sanders for his Nevada win. He told Bernie to watch out for the DNC. Mr. Trump thinks the Democratic National Committee wants Bloomberg or Biden to win the nomination. The president believes the DNC helped Clinton beat Sanders in 2016.

Mr. Trump’s India trip will boost the president’s chances of winning more votes from Americans with India birth certificates. There are more than 4.5 million India-Americans in the United States, and the president wants their vote, even though those voters usually stand behind Democratic candidates.

But Prime Minister Modi is a Trump supporter, and he plans to show the world India’s voters support the president too. Modi told Trump millions of people will cheer as his motorcade makes its way through the city of Gujarat. But according to the Washington Post, Modi’s millions turned into a few thousand supporters lining the streets.

Judge Sotomayor broke the Supreme Court rule of not bad-mouthing other judges in public when she accused the five conservative judges of being Trump-friendly when it comes to offering stays. The five conservatives backed the president’s quest to only allow wealthy immigrants to enter the U.S. and that decision didn’t sit well with Sotomayor

China’s Gross Domestic Product growth is in trouble thanks to the coronavirus. Wall Street economists say economic growth in China could drop below 5.0% by the end of March. China plans to inject billions into the economy even though the $174 billion it injected at the beginning of February didn’t help boost the economic growth numbers.

IMF officials claim global growth will also take a hit from COVID-19 at the end of March. The IMF plans to revise its original growth number now that the virus spread across the globe. The new GDP growth projection is 2.9% instead of 3.3%. But that number could change if COVID-19 becomes a pandemic.

Dil Bole Oberoi