Dallas Technology Trends

IT industry and workforce trends can change rapidly over the years, but how can you tell if and when they are changing right now? In the past few years, we’ve seen some new faces enter the workforce and a more diverse group of IT professionals than before.

This is especially true in Texas, where we have met some amazingly talented people at area networking conferences and community events. However, there’s still a lot of work to retain and recruit fresh talent into the industry.

We will explore some of these technology trends today regardless of whether you are located in Dallas, Texas, or elsewhere across the United States.

Data Scientists

Data Scientists will eventually replace the need for Humans in the future of technology. There’s already a lot of hype around this subject, and even though it may seem like Sci-Fi to some, it’s slowly becoming a reality.

As more and more data becomes available to businesses, companies can leverage them to gain a competitive advantage. Most companies today aren’t nearly as data-driven as they could be.

By combining this with advances in machine learning, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and Big Data, we could start seeing applications built with automated decision-making capabilities in a few years.

IoT and “Smart” Devices

The integration of IoT within the corporate and business sector is beginning to take form as we speak.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enable these objects to connect and exchange data.

IoT has been around for quite some time now, but only recently has it blown up in terms of its popularity. It’s been referred to as a foundational technology for the fourth industrial revolution or an “economic transformation that will change the way we live, work, and think”.

As IoT continues to grow exponentially, there’s no telling how much it will impact our lives in the near future.

Blockchain and DLT

Cryptocurrency has been around for a few years now and has become increasingly popular over time. It’s even possible to trade cryptocurrency as an asset in traditional markets like stocks and bonds.

The use of blockchain technology has grown beyond just cryptocurrency to other areas. For example, there are companies in Dallas that are now using blockchain technology to create decentralized applications as well.

There are also companies taking advantage of cloud computing to provide virtual servers. There are many benefits that come with using cloud computing, including lower costs and more options.

Many technical companies work out of Dallas and contribute to innovation in many technology areas. Whether it’s using the latest development platforms from Microsoft or creating new ideas for startups, North Texas continues to make an impact on technology at a large scale.

Dil Bole Oberoi