Reasons Social Media Makes People Unhappy and How to Remedy It

According to studies, people who often utilize social media are more prone to experiencing various mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. The same platforms that help people connect with others also contribute to disinformation and loneliness. According to computer scientists, the design of these platforms plays a crucial role in how they succeed or fail.

According to computer scientist and graduate student, Amanda Baughan, interdisciplinary research could help improve how social media platforms are designed. During a conference held in May, Baughan discussed her project’s findings, which revealed how social media can trigger dissociation. This is a state of reduced self-reflection that can affect people’s attention.

Baughan discussed her findings with Daisy Yuhas, the editor of Mind Matters. She explained how apps should be changed to give users more power. The designs of many social media platforms can have a huge influence on how people spend time interacting with each other. For instance, according to Baughan, the way social media platforms are designed can help people feel more kind and supportive during times of conflict.

In one study, Baughan and her team created an intervention that encouraged users to switch to using a direct messaging system instead of commenting on a topic. The results of the experiment were very positive, and it helped people resolve their conflicts.

Social media apps and platforms can have a huge influence on how people interact with each other and how they feel about the experiences they have online. For instance, according to Baughan, the ability to scroll through multiple articles and posts can trigger a neurocognitive reward system similar to how people would react if they won a lottery ticket.

The concept of the “30-minute Ick Factor” is when people try to check their social media for a couple of minutes but then realize that they spent a lot of time than anticipated. According to studies, many people are dissatisfied with their current usage. They believe that social media is addictive or useless, and many people also describe it as unproductive.

Dissociation can be triggered by various factors. For instance, people might be doing the dishes while they are still absorbing thoughts, or they might start daydreaming. They might also try to find immersive experiences that will allow them to forget where they are going.

Dil Bole Oberoi