Shopatainment has Revolutionized the Online Market

Video production has undergone tremendous growth. Unlike before, people can stream content on the move, thanks to the mobility that comes with smartphones and tablets. Technology advancement has made videos part of our existence. The content is easily and regularly consumed. Organizations are adding video content into their marketing strategy, especially if the target audience is generation Z. It’s commonly used by businesses, and it keeps interrupting the viewing experience. Sitcoms airing have commercial breaks in between, viewed simultaneously. Most viewers have become used to the trend on televisions.

Sitcoms have been airing for over fifty years, and people hold on to the idea of commercials interrupting the programs. The interruptions happen mid-airing or through popups. Though video production has changed over the years, advertisement methods seem to stagnate. This reality influenced Gurp Rai’s vision. He is the founder and CEO of droppTV. After a long search for a product, he saw on a video without success. He realized that marketing strategies did include shopping abilities within video content, creating a huge gap. Though Instagram was close since people can tag products, it still lacks a suitable platform for videos.

Digging deeper into his research, he found attempts, but nobody succeeded in shopatainment. The platform creates a seamless experience for content consumption and shopping to coexist without interrupting one another. Rai and his team work around the clock to ensure commercial ads, streaming, and entertainment become a unit. They are blurring the line between shopping and entertainment using AI and machine learning. It will activate direct shopping within any streaming content, allowing users to make an immediate purchase. All transactions will occur within the film flow of the content, enjoying a frictionless marketplace.

Since a music video inspired Rai, it was shopatainment first marketplace to launch. Aside from music videos, the technology is applicable across other industries. droppTV has partnered with major brands to enhance the shopping experience for B2B and B2C clients, ensuring the shopatainment aspect is captured in Agendas live shows using extended virtual and Augmented reality. This way, droppTV can demonstrate how retail will benefit from the platform. Businesses will gain a competitive edge by identifying consumer trends. Due to technological advancement and the pandemic, the way people shop has changed. Today people purchase products that can draw them back, achieved through quality video content. The platform has revolutionized the market by combining e-commerce and entertainment.

Dil Bole Oberoi